Friday, September 11, 2009

No baths here, only toilets.

The weather has been so lovely these last three days, it is uncommon to have sun like this according to the locals. (ive got my toes crossed)

Last night convo at a restaurant:
Evi: Hi, where is the bathroom?
Waiter: Bathroom? We have not baths here miss.
Evi things to self (Oh... no, but I need to go)
Friend: She means toilet.
Waiter (points direction)
Silly me, thats what they call it in London and the rest of the UK. So my Canadian friends, when you come visit, remember toilet!

Glasgow was hot and bumping during the world wars. It was a main city for ship building. Now it is a university town, so there are many intellectuals and younglings like me running around. The city population is also quite diverse, there are people from all over the world, but mainly European.

OOOooooo! This maybe one of my favourite streets here. There are no cars here, only people. On both sides are buildings over 150 years old and when you look down the street to the very end you can see hills and 8-10 energy wind mills. This glass entrance to the tube is interesting, it adds to the perspective line if you stand straight in front of it.

This is the main building of the GSA (Glasgow School of Art) known as The Mackintosh Building, it was built by architect Charles Rennie Macintosh in 1899. It is beautiful, the inside is made of mostly dark wood, and there are lots of ceiling windows. There are about 20-30 students in each program per year, so it is 1/3ed the size of OCAD's. Most people in Glasgow know about the school and its reputation for being awesome :) My classes start on the 21st. Can't wait ~

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